Routing with PgOSM Flex

This page provides a simple example of using OpenStreetMap roads loaded with PgOSM Flex for routing. The example uses the D.C. PBF included under tests/data/. This specific data source is chosen to provide a consistent input for predictable results. Even with using the same data and the same code, some steps will have minor differences. These differences are mentioned in those sections.

cd ~/pgosm-data


Run docker exec to load the District of Columbia file from January 13, 2021.

docker exec -it \
    pgosm python3 docker/ \
    --ram=8 \
    --region=north-america/us \
    --subregion=district-of-columbia \

Prepare for routing

Create the pgrouting extension if it does not already exist. Also create the routing schema to store the data used in this example.


Clean the data

Prepare roads for routing using `pgrouting`` functions. The bulk of the following code is removing multi-linestrings which cause errors with pgRouting.

CREATE TABLE routing.road_line AS
-- Remove as many multi-linestrings as possible with ST_LineMerge() 
SELECT osm_id, osm_type, maxspeed, oneway, layer,
        route_foot, route_cycle, route_motor, access,
        ST_LineMerge(geom) AS geom
    FROM osm.road_line
), extra_cleanup AS (
-- Pull out those that are still multi, use ST_Dump() to pull out parts
SELECT osm_id, osm_type, maxspeed, oneway, layer,
        route_foot, route_cycle, route_motor, access,
        (ST_Dump(geom)).geom AS geom
    FROM a 
    WHERE ST_GeometryType(geom) = 'ST_MultiLineString'
), combined AS (
-- Combine two sources
SELECT osm_id, osm_type, maxspeed, oneway, layer,
        route_foot, route_cycle, route_motor, access,
    FROM a
    WHERE ST_GeometryType(geom) != 'ST_MultiLineString'
SELECT osm_id, osm_type, maxspeed, oneway, layer,
        route_foot, route_cycle, route_motor, access,
    FROM extra_cleanup
    -- Some data may be lost here if multi-linestring somehow
    -- persists through the extra_cleanup query
    WHERE ST_GeometryType(geom) != 'ST_MultiLineString'
-- Calculate a new surrogate ID for key
    FROM combined
    ORDER BY geom

The above query creates the routing.road_line table. The next step adds some database best practices to the table:

  • Explain why a surrogate ID was added
  • Primary key on the id column
  • Index on osm_id
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Surrogate ID, cannot rely on osm_id being unique after converting multi-linestrings to linestrings.';
ALTER TABLE routing.road_line
    ADD CONSTRAINT pk_routing_road_line PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE INDEX ix_routing_road_line_osm_id
    ON routing.road_line (osm_id)

Run pgRouting functions

To prepare the OpenStreetMap roads data for routing, run the pgRouting functions pgr_nodeNetwork(), pgr_createTopology(), and pgr_analyzeGraph().

SELECT pgr_nodeNetwork('routing.road_line', 0.1, 'id', 'geom');
SELECT pgr_createTopology('routing.road_line_noded', 0.1, 'geom');
SELECT pgr_analyzeGraph('routing.road_line_noded', 0.1, 'geom');

Running the functions shown above will create two (2) new tables usable for routing.

  • routing.road_line_noded
  • routing.road_line_noded_vertices_pgr

Timing note

The pgRouting functions shown in the preceding section can take a long time to complete on larger regions. It is often a good idea to run these from psql within a screen emulator, such as screen or tmux that allow you to disconnect from the long-running command without cancelling the query.

Determine Costs

Routing requires a cost in order to determine the best route to take. The following query creates a simple cost_length column to the routing.road_line_noded table as a generated column. This is a simple way to get started with costs for routing.

ALTER TABLE routing.road_line_noded
    GENERATED ALWAYS AS (ST_Length(geom))

Note: This is for non-directional routing. See the Routing oneway section below for more on directional routing.

Determine route start and end

The following query identifies the vertex IDs for a start and end point to use for later queries. The query uses an input set of points created from specific longitude/latitude values. Use the start_id and end_id values from this query in subsequent queries through the :start_id and :end_id variables via DBeaver.

WITH s_point AS (
SELECT AS start_id
    FROM routing.road_line_noded_vertices_pgr v
        ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-77.0211, 38.92255), 4326), 3857)
            AS geom
        ) p ON v.the_geom <-> geom < 10
    ORDER BY v.the_geom <-> geom
    LIMIT 1
), e_point AS (
SELECT AS end_id
    FROM routing.road_line_noded_vertices_pgr v
        ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-77.0183, 38.9227), 4326), 3857)
            AS geom
        ) p ON v.the_geom <-> geom < 10
    ORDER BY v.the_geom <-> geom
    LIMIT 1
SELECT s_point.start_id, e_point.end_id
    FROM s_point, e_point
│ start_id │ end_id │
│    14630 │  14686 │

Warning: The vertex IDs returned by the above query will vary. The pgRouting functions that generate this data do not guarantee data will always be generated in precisely the same order, causing these IDs to be different.

The vertex IDs returned were 14630 and 14686. These points span a particular segment of road (osm_id = 6062791) that is tagged as highway=residential and access=private. This segment is used to illustrate how the calculated access control columns, route_motor, route_cycle and route_foot, can influence route selection.

    FROM routing.road_line
    WHERE osm_id = 6062791

Screenshot from QGIS showing two labeled points, 14630 and 14686. The road between the two points is shown with a light gray dash indicating the access tag indicates non-public travel.

See flex-config/helpers.lua functions (e.g. routable_motor()) for logic behind access control columns.

Simple route

Using pgr_dijkstra() and no additional filters will use all roads from OpenStreetMap without regard to mode of travel or access rules. This query picks a route that traverses sidewalks and a section of road with the access=private tag from OpenStreetMap. The key details to focus on in the following queries is the string containing a SQL query passed into the pgr_dijkstra() function. This first example is a simple query from the routing.road_line_noded table.

Note: These queries are intended to be ran using DBeaver. The :start_id and :end_id variables work within DBeaver, but not via psql or QGIS. Support in other GUIs is unknown at this time (PRs welcome!).

SELECT d.*, n.the_geom AS node_geom, e.geom AS edge_geom
    FROM pgr_dijkstra(
        'SELECT id, source, target, cost_length AS cost,
            FROM routing.road_line_noded
            :start_id, :end_id, directed := False
        ) d
    INNER JOIN routing.road_line_noded_vertices_pgr n ON d.node =
    LEFT JOIN routing.road_line_noded e ON d.edge =

Screenshot from DBeaver showing the route generated with all roads and no access control. The route is direct, traversing the road marked access=private.

Route motorized

The following query modifies the query passed in to pgr_dijkstra() to join the routing.road_line_noded table to the routing.road_line table. This allows using attributes available in the upstream table for additional routing logic. The join clause includes a filter on the route_motor column.

From the comment on the osm.road_line.route_motor column:

"Best guess if the segment is route-able for motorized traffic. If access is no or private, set to false. WARNING: This does not indicate that this method of travel is safe OR allowed!"

Based on this comment, we can expect that adding AND r.route_motor into the filter will ensure the road type is suitable for motorized traffic, and it excludes routes marked private.

SELECT d.*, n.the_geom AS node_geom, e.geom AS edge_geom
    FROM pgr_dijkstra(
        'SELECT, n.source,, n.cost_length AS cost,
            FROM routing.road_line_noded n
            INNER JOIN routing.road_line r ON n.old_id =
                    AND r.route_motor
            :start_id, :end_id, directed := False
        ) d
    INNER JOIN routing.road_line_noded_vertices_pgr n ON d.node =
    LEFT JOIN routing.road_line_noded e ON d.edge =

Screenshot from DBeaver showing the route generated with all roads and limiting based on route_motor. The route bypasses the road(s) marked access=no and access=private.

Route oneway

The route shown in the previous example now respects the access control and limits to routes suitable for motorized traffic. It, however, did not respect the one-way access control. The very first segment (top-left corner of screenshot) went the wrong way on a one-way street. This behavior is a result of the simple length-based cost model.

The oneway column in the road tables uses osm2pgsql's direction data type which resolves to int2 in Postgres. Valid values are:

  • 0: Not one way
  • 1: One way, forward travel allowed
  • -1: One way, reverse travel allowed
  • NULL: It's complicated. See #172.

Assuming a noded roads table routing table, bring over the oneway detail

ALTER TABLE routing.road_line_noded
    ADD oneway INT2 NULL

UPDATE routing.road_line_noded rn
    SET oneway = r.oneway
    FROM routing.road_line r
    WHERE rn.old_id = AND rn.oneway IS NULL

Forward and reverse costs

Calculate forward cost.

ALTER TABLE routing.road_line_noded
    DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS cost_length

-- Cost with oneway considerations
ALTER TABLE routing.road_line_noded
    ADD cost_length NUMERIC
        CASE WHEN oneway IN (0, 1) OR oneway IS NULL
                THEN ST_Length(geom)
            WHEN oneway = -1
                THEN -1 * ST_Length(geom)

Reverse cost.

-- Reverse cost with oneway considerations
ALTER TABLE routing.road_line_noded
    ADD cost_length_reverse NUMERIC
        CASE WHEN oneway IN (0, -1) OR oneway IS NULL
                THEN ST_Length(geom)
            WHEN oneway = 1
                THEN -1 * ST_Length(geom)

This query uses the new reverse cost colum, and changes directed from False to True.

SELECT d.*, n.the_geom AS node_geom, e.geom AS edge_geom
    FROM pgr_dijkstra(
        'SELECT, n.source,, n.cost_length AS cost,
                n.cost_length_reverse AS reverse_cost,
            FROM routing.road_line_noded n
            INNER JOIN routing.road_line r ON n.old_id =
                    AND r.route_motor
            :start_id, :end_id, directed := True
        ) d
    INNER JOIN routing.road_line_noded_vertices_pgr n ON d.node =
    LEFT JOIN routing.road_line_noded e ON d.edge =

Screenshot from DBeaver showing the route generated with all roads and limiting based on route_motor and using the improved cost model including forward and reverse costs. The route bypasses the road(s) marked access=no and access=private, as well as respects the one-way access controls.