
A layerset in PgOSM Flex defines one or more layers, where each layer includes one or more tables. For example, the minimal layerset (see flex-config/layerset/minimal.ini) is defined as shown in the following snippet.


In the above example, place, poi and road_major are the included Layers. This results in nine (9) total tables being loaded. There is the standard meta table osm.pgosm_flex, plus eight (8) tables for the three (3) layers. The place layer has four tables, poi has three (3) and road major has one (1).

│ s_name │        t_name        │ rows  │ size_plus_indexes │
│ osm    │ pgosm_flex           │     1 │ 32 kB             │
│ osm    │ place_line           │   128 │ 168 kB            │
│ osm    │ place_point          │   124 │ 128 kB            │
│ osm    │ place_polygon        │   217 │ 496 kB            │
│ osm    │ place_polygon_nested │    22 │ 304 kB            │
│ osm    │ poi_line             │   255 │ 128 kB            │
│ osm    │ poi_point            │ 10876 │ 2360 kB           │
│ osm    │ poi_polygon          │ 12413 │ 6456 kB           │
│ osm    │ road_major           │  8097 │ 2504 kB           │

Included layersets

PgOSM Flex includes a few layersets to get started as examples. These layersets are defined under flex-config/layerset/. If the --layerset is not defined, the default layerset is used.

  • basic
  • default
  • everything
  • minimal

Using a built-in layerset other than default is done by defining the --layerset option. The following example uses the minimal layerset shown above.

docker exec -it \
    pgosm python3 docker/ \
    --layerset=minimal \
    --ram=8 \
    --region=north-america/us \

The output from running PgOSM Flex indicates which layers are being loaded.

2023-01-29 08:47:12,191:INFO:pgosm-flex:helpers:Including place
2023-01-29 08:47:12,192:INFO:pgosm-flex:helpers:Including poi
2023-01-29 08:47:12,192:INFO:pgosm-flex:helpers:Including road_major

Custom layerset

A layerset including the poi and road_major layers would look like:


To use the --layerset-path option for custom layerset definitions, link the directory containing custom styles to the Docker container in the docker run command. If the custom-layerset directory is in the home (~) directory, adding -v ~/custom-layerset:/custom-layerset \ to the docker run command will make the layerset definition available to the Docker container. The custom styles will be available inside the container under /custom-layerset.

docker run --name pgosm -d --rm \
    -v ~/pgosm-data:/app/output \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v ~/custom-layerset:/custom-layerset \
    -p 5433:5432 -d rustprooflabs/pgosm-flex

Define the layerset name (--layerset=poi) and path (--layerset-path) to the docker exec command. The value provided to --layerset-path must match the path linked in the docker exec command.

docker exec -it \
    pgosm python3 docker/ \
    --layerset=poi \
    --layerset-path=/custom-layerset/ \
    --ram=8 \
    --region=north-america/us \

Excluding layers

To exclude layers from a layerset they can be simply omitted from the .ini file. They can also be set explicitly to false such as road_major=false.


This section documents the layers created by PgOSM Flex. The layerset defined at runtime (to docker exec) determines which tables are loaded, based on layer_group.

The amenity layer has each of the three types of geometry commonly associated, so has three tables:

  • osm.amenity_line
  • osm.amenity_point
  • osm.amenity_polygon

The definitive answer to "what is in a layer" is defined by the associated Lua code under flex-config/style/<layer group>.lua

Layer definitions

The layers are determined by the .lua files available in the flex-config/style directory. Each .lua file in the style folder has a matching .sql file in the flex-config/sql directory. For example, the road layer is defined by flex-config/style/road.lua and flex-config/sql/road.sql, and creates three (3) tables (see Tables section).


Using --layerset=everything creates 45 tables and one (1) materialized view. The following table lists the groups of tables created with the types of layer it is.

LayerGeometry Types
amenityline, point, polygon
buildingpoint, polygon, combined
indoorline, point, polygon
infrastructureline, point, polygon
landusepoint, polygon
leisurepoint, polygon
naturalline, point, polygon
placeline, point, polygon, polygon_nested
poiline, point, polygon, combined
public_transportline, point, polygon
roadline, point, polygon
road_majorline (table name is non-standard, osm.road_major)
shoppoint, polygon, combined
tagsProvides full JSONB tags
trafficline, point, polygon
unitablegeneric geometry
waterline, point, polygon

Inclusion by OpenStreetMap tags

Data is included in layers based on the tags from OpenStreetMap.


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • amenity
  • bench
  • brewery


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • building
  • building:part
  • door
  • office

Plus: Address only locations.

See issue #97 for more details about Address only locations.


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • indoor
  • door
  • entrance


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • aeroway
  • amenity
  • emergency
  • highway
  • man_made
  • power
  • utility


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • landuse


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • leisure


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • natural

Excludes water/waterway values. See Water section.


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • admin_level
  • boundary
  • place

POI (Points of Interest)

The POI layer overlaps many of the other existing layers, though with slightly different definitions. e.g. only buildings with either a name and/or operator are included.

OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • building
  • shop
  • amenity
  • leisure
  • man_made
  • tourism
  • landuse
  • natural
  • historic

Public Transport

OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • public_transport
  • aerialway
  • railway

Additional important tags considered, but not used for primary selection:

  • bus
  • railway
  • lightrail
  • train
  • highway


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • highway

Additional important tags considered, but not used for primary selection:

  • maxspeed
  • layer
  • tunnel
  • bridge
  • access
  • oneway


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • shop
  • amenity


The osm.tags table stores all tags for all items loaded.


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • highway
  • railway
  • barrier
  • traffic_calming
  • amenity
  • noexit


All data is stuffed into a generic GEOMETRY column.


OpenStreetMap tags included:

  • natural
  • waterway

Uses specific natural types, attempts to avoid overlap with the Natural layer. See the Natural section.


The need for views is diminishing as PgOSM Flex matures along with osm2pgsql's Flex output.

The materialized view that will likely remain is:

  • osm.vplace_polygon_subdivide

The other views currently created in PgOSM Flex 0.8.x will be removed in v0.9.0, see issue #320.

  • osm.vbuilding_all
  • osm.vpoi_all
  • osm.vshop_all